Expire Grim Rhythm & Suffer the Cycle

i picked both of these up at the show they played last week with Alpha&Omega and Take Offense at the Ethical Humanist Society in Garden City. It being the first time id ever seen them i thought they were gnarly plus they covered Hatebreed. As far as style wise they have that NY style i hear a lot of these days, which isnt a bad thing especially because while, at least to me, it sounds like its a big part of what they have going on it's not the only thing happening. This is most likely due to the fact that they hail from the midwest. So they got some east coast/ west coast mixing going on. I dig it. My only issue with both albums was that I felt it was over just as i was getting into it when I played both straight through on my ipod. I'm not saying this is bad, I'm just saying it leaves me wanting more. The new 7in is green and black but the way it mixed makes it look completely black unless you hold it up to a light, and the Grim Rhythm one is white.


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